Feeling stuck and depressed? Are the grey days and routines of everyday life starting to get you down? Don't give in to those feeling. Here are few tips to lift up your mood for you to try:-
Sing Along
Don't worry about the lyrics, or whether you can carry the tune. Just turn up your favourite music and belt it out. It doesn't matter what you sound like - the point is to release whatever is building up inside, be it sadness, longing, frustration or excitement. Let it out!
Pay Yourself A Compliment
Most of us are quick to praise others, but when was the last time you congratulated yourself? Reward yourself when you have reached one of your goals or finished a job - even the small accomplishments. Be enthusiastic regularly about your good points. It may be immodest, but it can really lift your spirit!
Invert Yourself - Literally
Stimulating blood flow to the head is a great invigilator. Yoga practitioners might do a headstand to achieve this, but you can get similar effect by resting your legs high up against a wall. Two minutes is all it takes (that's how long it takes for blood to circulate your body).
Get up, Get Out and Move
Even if you're working, take break or get out on your lunch hour and go for a brisk walk in daylight. Getting out and moving combines two important mood elevators:- It helps raise endorphin levels in the brain, which helps you feel happier; and natural light increases your levels of melatonin, a hormone that influences mood, sleep patterns and immunity.
Explore Another World
How well do you really know your neighbours or your colleague at work? Be curious and start asking question you might not have asked before. Taking an interest in others is one of the best ways to forget about your own problems, and it can lead to unexpected friendships. And having a laugh with friends is one of the best anti-depressants around.
Start A New Project
One of the biggest mood zappers is feeling you're not moving forward in life. So don't put it off. Think about any changes you might want to make in the direction your life is taking, and plan a project around that. Something which gets you excited that you simply can't wait to start!
Make Space
'Feng shui' is based on the theory that we are surrounded by an invisible energy called 'chi'. For this energy to flow smoothly through your home and in turn, through your life, you will need to clear away excess items. The golden rule is to get rid of clutter. Making space will improve your energy levels, lift your mood and create a harmonious home to relax in.
Stop What You're Doing
We are called 'human beings' not 'human doings', but so often we fall into the trap of feeling that we must always be doing something "worthwhile". Anne Todd, who runs "Change Your Life" workshops, suggest we allow tome daily for when we aren't working or achieving things. She says, at times, when you're dealing with something really difficult or depressing , it helps to say these four words to yourself: " This is only temporary".
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