Over the years, many of us have had desires to be more. To have a better life, to be a better person, to have a better job, to get a degree, etc. However, a lot of people tend to stay where they are comfortable. This is known as our “comfort zone” and for a lot of people, they never stray from it.
The reasons for this are as myriad as the dreams people have for themselves. And many people never achieve their dreams. A lot of dreams just die without ever coming to fruition, and really, that is a sad state of affairs.
But how does one go about achieving their heart’s desires? By turning wants into needs. Instead of saying, “I want a better paying job,” say, “I NEED a better paying job.” Or maybe it’s, “I need a better relationship with my kids,” or even, “I need a better education.” By turning these “wants” into “needs” we begin the mental process of aligning our thoughts with the idea of actually having that “need” met.
How to be Your Own Life Coach
One reason why many people never achieve their dreams is because of the “little voice” in their head. The one that constantly tells us how our dreams are just that, dreams, and that no matter what we do we’ll never achieve them. It’s those negative thoughts that are one of the most destructive forces on Earth. How many great people have we missed because of the “negative self-talk” one may have about themselves. Just think of all the grand inventions that have possibly been lost because the inventor had negative thoughts about his dream?
But what also happens is that as we allow this negative self-talk to continue, we also miss the chance to become our own Life Coach. If you are not on your own side and being your own cheerleader, then how will you ever have anyone else supporting you in your dreams? You must believe in yourself in order for others to believe in you.
The next time you find yourself talking negatively, stop and regroup. Turn this negativity around and make it a positive. Breathe deep and tell yourself, “I love myself just the way I am.” Learn to walk with your head up greeting everyone you meet with a smile. You’ll be surprised at the number of smiles that are returned.
How to Take Steps to Improving Your Life
Positive thinking is a great start, but you need more. You need to write down your goals and look at them every day. As you do, ask yourself, “What can I do today to get closer to these goals?” Do this every day and strive to accomplish something that will get you further along the path of attaining your goals.
Tips for Personal Development and Growth
Learn to say no. A lot of people have a natural tendency towards helping others but then ignore themselves. Are you doing things for yourself as well as other people? Do you constantly put yourself last?
Take time out every day to do something for you even if it’s no longer than 15 minutes. Reserve those 15 minutes for yourself every day and be protective of them. Realize that that is YOUR time and honor it.
Many people think this is being selfish, but on the contrary, it actually helps us to become better for everyone else. We’re happier and have even more desire to help other people. It’s an energy that actually feeds us and allows us to be more and to give more.
Stop Negative Thinking
Do you constantly tell yourself that you are “not good enough?” Do you tell yourself, “I’ll never have that,’ or “no one will take me seriously,” or even, “I’ll never amount to anything?”
This is common in a lot of people. Those that talk negatively to themselves like this find it easy to focus on the negative things in life and since they do, they see it everywhere they look. It’s a simple fact that we experience what we focus on.
If you’re focused on the good things in life, then you will experience more of those. However, if you are focused on the “bad” things in life, you’ll experience more of those.But how does one go about breaking this habit of negative self-talk? Well it takes work. I’ll be honest, there are no quick fixes. It takes dedication and time, and an awareness of the negative self-talk. If you do step on the path of self-improvement, then you must stay the course and allow everything time to work. You’ll need to recognize your negative thinking and then stop and turn it into a positive thought. I know this might sometimes be hard to do, but it can be done.
You must realize that these are old habitual ways of thinking and that in order for you to improve your life, you must improve your thinking of yourself. Once you do then you are well on your way to improving your overall life.
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